Climate Change

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'm currently researching on climate change. Mr Nagarajah wants us (giraffe and i) to further research in the scope of Malaysia. We have to look on whether there are sufficient legislations with regards to climate change. The last time I heard of the word 'climate change' was during my high school era. I'm sorry planet for being an ignorant citizen. Anyways, I want to assert first Malaysia's stand in this issue.

She has ratified and signed:
  1. Kyoto Protocol and
  2. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
  3. and has become prominent figure in climate change conferences around the globe.
Good Efforts.

Now, what is Climate Change?
Look around you; can you feel the temperature rising? At times, suddenly the weather changes so rapidly- it gets so hot for half of the day and then it rains in the evening. The weather is weird nowadays.

This is climate change. In simpler terms coz i'm not a scientist.

Although the Kyoto Protocol is the god of all protocols in controlling climate change, most developed countries don't want the protocol to become legally binding. Looks like these giants are running away from their environment debts which they owe to our planet. From my observation, Malaysia is doing well in pledging the protocol's principles but results were not significant. This is not a job for a developing country but all nations should join forces to curb climate change.

The most funny article that I came across is this one article which blames fat people as one of the factors of climate change. HAHA. The authors claimed that:
"When it comes to food consumption, moving about in a heavy body is like driving around in a gas guzzler."
Fat people were likely to be more responsible for carbon emissions because they consume more fuel and food. The author also said that they have higher dependency on cars (to get more food i assume). How true is this? I don't know.

Uh huh.. I'm going to take the stairs up to 19th floor this Monday! Sweat fatty bom bom! For the planet, I will.

These gas emissions should be cut! Giraffe, stop emitting your silent killer gas too! It's bad for environment. Whatever it is, the climate change resulted from humans activities and lifestyle. If nothing is being improved within 10years, we're gonna experience the worst of climate change, the global temperature will increase. We have been warned. (cuak)

Therefore, blame yourself and it is now time to change! Use public transport, R.E.C.Y.C.L.E, and reduce our carbon emissions ( this includes your deodorant, so use roll-ons) to guarantee a more sustainable future. If not we can't dive and surf our proud beaches anymore. (one of the examples lah). To be honest, this whole climate change thing is making me cuak. Bertaubatlah danial.

The outcome of this research will be discussed on this monday. Let's pledge to save our planet!

This post is dedicated to Mother Nature *cue song: Earth Song by MJ...aahhh ahhhaaahh ooohh oohhh hooooo*

Al Gore in the making.. puked


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